FinOps as a Service

At Addicnet, we provide a FinOps service that simplifies cloud spending and improves financial accountability.

How does it work?

Reduce your cloud spending by 57% -70% with FinOps services.
FinOps is a model that promotes financial accountability in cloud spending. It ensures that your tech, finance, and business teams are on the same page, using shared language and processes to manage your cloud spending while maintaining speed. FinOps is primarily a cultural practice that facilitates cross-functional teamwork, enabling faster product delivery with more financial control and predictability.


The Inform phase provides visibility into cloud costs and allocation, creating shared accountability by showing teams what they are spending and why.


The Optimize phase empowers your team to choose the right optimization options based on your goals.


The Operate phase streamlines IT, finance, and business leadership goals to focus and scale your operational efforts through continuous improvement, breaking down barriers between teams.

Other Solutions

DevOps as a Service

We are a startup DevOps Accelerator that provides managed services and solutions to boost the value of your product.

DevSecOps as a Service

Our DevSecOps services allow you to build, deploy, and protect your applications effectively.

Using FinOps, you can increase your cloud usage without increasing your bill by improving the unit economics of the cloud. Your teams work together to optimize your cloud's speed, cost, and quality, giving them the power to control your cloud spending truly.